Why I made Gantt chart for the project?

As long as many people involved, we have to set a timeline to put our energy and work efficiently and smartly. Having shared documents, we were easy to put everyone...

Tour in taxi...???

There was a new business proposal contest about travel in Korea. I quickly made planed a service using taxi infra and made a design for the service.

Design systems using Zeroheight

What is the most effective way to improve UI design in the page? I bet for Typography and Icons. When you just design, you can see a perfect, beutifull, well...

More Sign-ups!

The moneystation team was building SNS service specialized in investment. In order to activate the community, we need more users. But many users just watching feed and not want to...

Creative Director Seminar 2019 - kipfa

I attended a seminar related to UX design for the first time. It gave me so many ideas and inspirations.

Text heavy web service and Typography

When you have a lot to read, typography matters. That’s why meny bloggers and articles recommend to use tidy font in your resume. The service I was working on had...